Water Gauges for Models & Miniatures

If a finished protector is of interest to you then we need to know the following details when ordering.

1) Is it an R.A. Barker water gauge? If not maybe the glass nuts can modified to suit our plates, sizes can be given if required.

2) Water gauge size, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm or 12mm glass

3) When the water gauge is on the boiler in its fully working state you then need to measure the visible glass that can be seen between the glass nuts. (This dimension is very important because it is the one we work to for the length of the glass panels)

4) If you are making your own protector the pillars need to be 1-1.5mm longer that the length of the glass panels.

5) On assembly put all 4 pillars and fasten to the bottom plate when is held in a bench vice, then put a thin bead of silicon sealer on the bottom edge of the glass panels and place in the grooves on the bottom plate now put the silicon on the top edge of glass you can now place the top plate over the whole lot and tighten the nuts, now just push the glass to the outside edge of the plates.

6) Clean off any excess silicone and leave to set overnight

7) The silicon sealer now acts as a cushion to allow for expansion of the glass panels

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O Ring Seal For 10mm

£0.68 (excl. VAT)

O Ring Seal For 8mm

£0.53 (excl. VAT)

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