Craft Master Heat Resistant Paints


Q   What preparation do I need and do I need an undercoat?

A   No undercoat is needed, the heat resistant paints are painted onto bare metail. The cleaner the surface the better, a thorough degrease is recommended, but no special preperation. All heat resistant paints will only finally 'cure' when they are heated, so it is a good idea to paint the surface close to the time you steam the boiler for the first time. The 240 needs 120 Deg C and the VHT 180 Deg C. In general a smokebox and chimney will withstand the 240 unless with hard working you feel you will need the higher temperature VHT. The paint does 'dry' once it is applied, so not to wirry that it may stay wet, but it only really cures once it has been heated for the first time.

Q   Gloss or Satin finish?

A   We have both in our range. The Satin finish is easier to keep clean and looks good with only a wipe from a paraffin rag, whereas the gloss will have a tendency to show every blemish and smears. The Satin also looks good on other parts of the boiler. It's personal choice.

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