Klinger 'D' Type Cocks

  • Reflex (22 Bar)
  • Transparent (21-120 Bar)
  • Bi-Colour (70-210 Bar)

As standard standard all steam level gauges comprise of a single section with a D Type Cock or Valve connected at the end which suits the required pressure rating.

With its solid metal body and armoured reflex glass the Reflex Gauge has maxiumum operator protection while also giving a distinct level indicator for any low pressure applications.

When a pressure above 22 Bar is required Transparent Level Gauges are used and come fitted with extra thick Micas to protect the glass against the action of Steam and Water. If necessary illuminators can be fitted which can give either a Red and Green or a Black or White indicator. This can make remote viewing easier.


  • Combined Gauges available.
  • R100 available with side gauges for continuous sight.
  • Suitable for right or left hand operation.
  • A ball check is fitted to the top and bottom arm as standard.
  • Fitted with 'B' Reflex Gauge Glass.


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Drain Cock Body Assembly

£117.74 (excl. VAT)

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